Welcome to Elasmoworld, Currently this site contains information on sawfish and sharks As you can imagine there is still much work to be done. Improvements are being made and any help (by pointing out errors) is greatly appreciated.
Only a couple of pictures are available (Sharks & Rays). As you can see, the picture gallery is fairly empty right now. I encourage everyone to e-mail pictures to me so that I can post them.
All the pictures shown on this site are owned by the photographers, and Elasmo World does not have ANY copyrights on them.. No image is to be modified or redistributed in whole or part without the prior permission of the author.
As the web is improving it was necessary to provide a new design and vision to this site. As a result this site was redesigned entirely. More information will be included as time allows. Some of the section that will be developed include fisheries management as well as anatomy of sharks.
Shark Attacks will not be discussed in great details as several website have a much larger amount of data available. Visit the International Shark Attack File for more information. Finally the reference database which has been used heavily will be slightly modified and transferred into mysql/PhP. The completion of this project is expected to be July.